
After Effects

Stills from my video “Liquid Solidity”, created for the exhibition by Ursula Berlot, “Polymorphic Imprint”

By 3D, After Effects, animationNo Comments

. . The exhibition Polymorphic Imprint brings together works created on the basis of #microscopic images of #nanostructures and transformations of substances, prompted by invisible fields of physical forces (electromagnetism, #crystallisation). The object of the exhibition was to create various simulations of nature, addressing optical, unconscious and #polymorphous aspects of the real, by revealing its own technological construction.

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Stills from my video “Liquid Solidity”, created for the exhibition “Polymorphic Imprint”

By 3D, After Effects, animationNo Comments

. . The exhibition Polymorphic Imprint organized by Ursula Berlot, brings together works created on the basis of #microscopic images of #nanostructures and transformations of substances, prompted by invisible fields of physical forces (electromagnetism, #crystallisation). The object of the exhibition was to create various simulations of nature, addressing optical, unconscious and #polymorphous aspects of the real, by revealing its own technological construction.

Posted from Instagram